A Bold New Partnership

Baştan sona, Casa ve Lipparini'nin işbirliği, yaşanabilirlik ve zarafetin
sonsuza kadar bir olduğu bir tasarım yaklaşımını örnekliyor.

Casa is proud and excited to join forces with renowned Italian architect and industrial designer Mauro Lipparini to introduce Italia, a set of three entirely original collections—Contemporary, Timeless and Luxury Chic— to be released under the brand name Casa International. To accompany these signature collections, ready to make an impact both in 2015 and years to come, Casa has commissioned entirely new corporate identity and marketing tools to create strong brand awareness and desire among individual and commercial consumers alike.

Lipparini makes the perfect partner for Casa as the company reaches for yet more new horizons. Rooted in the spare forms and clear, powerful lines that are the defining features of Italian minimalism, his work is imbued with a spirit of joy, a buoyant sense of pleasure and possibility. Freely employing bold colors, organic textures, and imaginative visual concepts, Lipparini broadens the palette of classic minimalism, bringing the immediacy and strength of the time-honored aesthetic into an exhilarating new era.

For Casa, Lipparini has conceived a superior set of furniture pieces that acknowledge the company’s traditions while conveying its long-successful vision forward into the dynamic now. Strong spans, welcoming volumes, and inviting textures define these memorable collections. Here is a remarkably successful union between an exuberant creative sensibility and unswerving respect for and understanding of the essential customer demands of beauty, comfort, and functionality.